


  • Using evaluative thinking to achieve better results | Lewis Atkinson and Barbara A. Collins
  •  Getting “strategy” into your “strategy framework” | Peter Compo
  •  Emotions and purpose: How to create a strategic plan that people really care about | Tim Kelley
  •  Developing a growth strategy for situational markets | David W. Norton
  •  From insight to action: Enhancing SWOT analysis for an actionable plan | Christian Rusteberg
  •  Illustrating “what is a sound strategy system?” A systems thinking perspective | Pierre Hadaya and L. Martin Cloutier



Pooling strategy and culture together for long-term success | Pierre Hadaya and Tamara Highsmith
Maximizing the strategic benefits of AI by establishing a program | Glen Hilford
How to effectively plan for digital transformation | William Donaldson
Critical recommendations to govern your strategy in a holistic fashion | Susan Radwan
The secrets the Toyota model revealed | Julie Barlow




On competitive advantage | Leonardo Cruz Jr.
What you can learn by simulating strategies | Mark Chussil
Yves Pigneur: driving innovation for better strategy | Pierre Hadaya
Strategic portfolio management: tools and techniques to implement your strategy | Nick Hadjinicolaou
Leveraging “3V” communication to support strategic management | Carol A. Poore
Improving strategic management with agile principles | Gerry Starsia

Spring 2021

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  • Strategy development with applied simulation techniques | Fon Hah
  • Strategic planning that incorporates strategic Risk | Paul C. Godfrey and John Bugalla
  • Strategy execution success through a more engaged leadership mindset and way of working | Gaye Clemson and Dana De Nault
  • Organizational development: at the heart of successful transformations | James D. Stockmal
  • Donald Sull: the case for simplicity | Julie Barlow
  • Making the promise of strategy a reality with the enterprise architecture Approach | Pierre Hadaya and Bernard Gagnon


Spring 2020

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  • Is it time to have a new strategy for strategy consulting? | Fiona Czerniawska
  • Profiting from integrity: a CEO’s experience | Alan Barlow
  • Mapping an agile future | Pierre Hadaya and Bernard Gagnon
  • Planning for future success | Steve Tighe
  • On the horizon | Gill Ringland
  • Strengthening strategic capabilities | David M. Booth

Winter 2018

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  • Incorporating ‘futures’ foresight into the process of strategic planning | Geoff Woodling and Wyn Jones
  • The future of research and scenario planning at BMJ | Anca Babor
  • Strategy and intelligence – a loveless marriage | Benjamin Gilad
  • Strategic agility | Chris Paton
  • Strategy for the strategists | David M. Booth
  • The rise and rise of artificial intelligence in strategic planning, help, hindrance or extermination? | Vincent Rousselet and David Smith
  • Working with emergent strategy | Patrick Hoverstadt and Lucy Loh
  • Business transformation 2.0 – outcomes that endure | Sean Chamberlin

Summer 2015

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  • The strategy masquerade | Sean Lusk
  • Governing ‘total innovation’ | Jean-Philippe Deschamps
  • Orchestrating success | Jo Whitehead and Andrew Campbell
  • Bridging the gap | Chris Hafner
  • Introducing the ‘entirepreneur’ | Bill Bolton and John Thompson
  • Line of sight | Javid Khan

Summer 2014

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  • Uncertainty management: the missing link | Jack Springman and Ken Whitton
  • A risky approach to strategy | Andrew Smart
  • Accelerating technology advancement | Kevin G. Coleman
  • Scenario planning: elephants and dragons | Gill Ringland
  • East meets west | Vincent Rousselet
  • Four steps to strategy implementation | Jonathan Law

Winter 2014

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  • Sustainable innovation strategy | Christophe Sempels and Jonas Hoffmann
  • integrating sustainability | Alison Rowe
  • Strategy and organisational evolution | Antonio Nieto-Rodriguez
  • Strategy, value and risk | Jamie Rogers
  • Small steps towards smart strategy |Jeroen De Flander


Summer 2013

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  • Lessons in strategic transformation | Manuel Hensmans, Gerry Johnson and George S. Yip
  • Think big, think deep | Philip Whiteley and Neela Bettridge
  • Customer-centric survival | Lior Arussy
  • Playing to win | A.G. Lafley and Roger Martin

Winter 2012

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  • How to stay in pole position | Amanda Goodall
  • Board must not play a cameo role | Jennifer Sundberg
  • The new rules of adaptation to the ‘emerged’ markets | Peter Williamson
  • Strategy as a way of life | Paul Harris

Spring 2012

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  • Setting out a new vision | Ian McDonald Wood and Paul Barnett
  • Were strategy errors behind the crisis? | Kim Warren
  • Model for a new type of profession | Richard Whittington
  • All the right connections | Duncan Angwin