By Leonardo Cruz Jr.
The business strategy discipline has made great strides since the word “strategy” began to creep into corporate vocabulary after World War II. Yet, in spite of all the academic literature and current fanfare on strategy and competitive advantage, few executive leaders truly demonstrate what good strategy and keen development of competitive advantages looks like. The aim of this article is to help business leaders pursue optimal corporate strategies and to take advantage of opportunities to create sustainable competitive advantages.
By Mark Chussil
It’s a fuzzy, foggy world. Strategists want metaphorical telescopes to see their future. Alas, there is no such thing as the singular future. What strategists really need are wide-angle lenses to see many possible futures: options, alternatives, uncertainties, opportunities, and threats. That’s where strategy simulation comes in. This article breaks down strategy simulation and how to find ideal simulation outcomes for your company.
By Nick Hadjinicolaou
To succeed in its strategic endeavors, an organization must do more than formulate a winning strategy – it must implement and execute that strategy in an effective, efficient, and agile manner. Yet, there are many reasons why strategy implementation continues to be challenging. Successful implementation is hindered when current and future projects are not visible, or worse, not aligned with the strategy. A practice of active portfolio governance would assist with alignment, decision making and overall transparency, enhancing strategy implementation. The objective of this article is to present the novel practice of strategic portfolio management, and a number of related techniques for successful implementation of the organization’s strategy
Read more: Strategic Portfolio Management Tools and Techniques to Implement Your Strategy
By Pierre Hadaya
Fueled by trends such as globalization, the digital shift, Industry 4.0, artificial intelligence and agility, innovation is critical to the success and long-term viability of organizations in today’s highly competitive market. In this article, Professor Yves Pigneur talks about tools he has developed together with Alexander Osterwalder to help organizations reap maximum benefits from innovation.
Read more: Yves Pigneur: Driving Innovation for Better Strategy
By Carol A. Poore
Despite decades of shared knowledge about how to shape winning strategies and achieve results, a stunning 90% of businesses still fail to reach strategic goals. One of the key reasons for this is ineffective communication throughout the entire strategic management process. An average of 95% of employees don’t understand their organization’s strategic direction and what they need to do to make their strategy work. The objective of this article is to present the principles of “Vital + Visual + Visible Communication” (3V Communication) to enable organizations to foster employee engagement, overcome longstanding strategic management communication challenges, and achieve superior results.
Read more: Leveraging 3V Communication to Support Strategic Management
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A Publication of
The International Association for Strategy Professionals (IASP)
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